Tamil to Unicode

Real Time Unicode Converter
Real Time Font Converter

Bamini (ghkpdp)

Unicode (யுனிகோட்)

© 2011 Language Technology Research Laboratory - University of Colombo School of Computing
Best viewed with Internet Explorer 5.x or higher in 1024 x 768 resolution.

Pls copy below code ^ paste to under designer tag till fixed errors.

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   <title>Real Time Unicode Converter</title>
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 function startText() {
  text = document.txtBox.box1.value; 

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text = text.replace(/n\[h/g, "ஜொ");
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text = text.replace(/\[P/g, "ஜீ");
text = text.replace(/\[{/g, "ஜு");
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text = text.replace(/J/g, "து");
text = text.replace(/nj/g, "தெ");
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text = text.replace(/j;/g, "த்");
text = text.replace(/j/g, "த");
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text = text.replace(/neh/g, "நொ");
text = text.replace(/eh/g, "நா");
text = text.replace(/ep/g, "நி");
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text = text.replace(/E/g, "நு");
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text = text.replace(/Ne/g, "நே");
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text = text.replace(/e;/g, "ந்");
text = text.replace(/e/g, "ந");
text = text.replace(/nds/g, "னௌ");
text = text.replace(/Ndh/g, "னோ");
text = text.replace(/ndh/g, "னொ");
text = text.replace(/dh/g, "னா");
text = text.replace(/dp/g, "னி");
text = text.replace(/dP/g, "னீ");
text = text.replace(/D}/g, "னூ");
text = text.replace(/D/g, "னு");
text = text.replace(/nd/g, "னெ");
text = text.replace(/Nd/g, "னே");
text = text.replace(/id/g, "னை");
text = text.replace(/d;/g, "ன்");
text = text.replace(/d/g, "ன");
text = text.replace(/ngs/g, "பௌ");
text = text.replace(/Ngh/g, "போ");
text = text.replace(/ngh/g, "பொ");
text = text.replace(/gh/g, "பா");
text = text.replace(/gp/g, "பி");
text = text.replace(/gP/g, "பீ");
text = text.replace(/G\+/g, "பூ");
text = text.replace(/G/g, "பு");
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text = text.replace(/Ng/g, "பே");
text = text.replace(/ig/g, "பை");
text = text.replace(/g;/g, "ப்");
text = text.replace(/g/g, "ப");
text = text.replace(/nks/g, "மௌ");
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text = text.replace(/kp/g, "மி");
text = text.replace(/kP/g, "மீ");
text = text.replace(/K/g, "மு");
text = text.replace(/%/g, "மூ");
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text = text.replace(/Nk/g, "மே");
text = text.replace(/ik/g, "மை");
text = text.replace(/k;/g, "ம்");
text = text.replace(/k/g, "ம");
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text = text.replace(/Nah/g, "யோ");
text = text.replace(/nah/g, "யொ");
text = text.replace(/ah/g, "யா");
text = text.replace(/ap/g, "யி");
text = text.replace(/aP/g, "யீ");
text = text.replace(/A+/g, "யூ");
text = text.replace(/A/g, "யு");
text = text.replace(/na/g, "யெ");
text = text.replace(/Na/g, "யே");
text = text.replace(/ia/g, "யை");
text = text.replace(/a;/g, "ய்");
text = text.replace(/a/g, "ய");
text = text.replace(/nus/g, "ரௌ");
text = text.replace(/Nuh/g, "ரோ");
text = text.replace(/nuh/g, "ரொ");
text = text.replace(/uh/g, "ரா");
text = text.replace(/up/g, "ரி");
text = text.replace(/uP/g, "ரீ");
text = text.replace(/U/g, "ரு");
text = text.replace(/\&/g, "ரூ");
text = text.replace(/nu/g, "ரெ");
text = text.replace(/Nu/g, "ரே");
text = text.replace(/iu/g, "ரை");
text = text.replace(/u;/g, "ர்");
text = text.replace(/u/g, "ர");
text = text.replace(/nys/g, "லௌ");
text = text.replace(/Nyh/g, "லோ");
text = text.replace(/nyh/g, "லொ");
text = text.replace(/yh/g, "லா");
text = text.replace(/yp/g, "லி");
text = text.replace(/yP/g, "லீ");
text = text.replace(/Y}/g, "லூ");
text = text.replace(/Y/g, "லு");
text = text.replace(/ny/g, "லெ");
text = text.replace(/Ny/g, "லே");
text = text.replace(/iy/g, "லை");
text = text.replace(/y;/g, "ல்");
text = text.replace(/y/g, "ல");
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text = text.replace(/nsh/g, "ளொ");
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text = text.replace(/Ns/g, "ளே");
text = text.replace(/is/g, "ளை");
text = text.replace(/s;/g, "ள்");
text = text.replace(/s/g, "ள");
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text = text.replace(/Nth/g, "வோ");
text = text.replace(/nth/g, "வொ");
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text = text.replace(/tP/g, "வீ");
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text = text.replace(/T/g, "வு");
text = text.replace(/nt/g, "வெ");
text = text.replace(/Nt/g, "வே");
text = text.replace(/it/g, "வை");
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text = text.replace(/t/g, "வ");
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text = text.replace(/noh/g, "ழொ");
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text = text.replace(/O/g, "ழு");
text = text.replace(/\*/g, "ழூ");
text = text.replace(/no/g, "ழெ");
text = text.replace(/No/g, "ழே");
text = text.replace(/io/g, "ழை");
text = text.replace(/o;/g, "ழ்");
text = text.replace(/o/g, "ழ");
text = text.replace(/nws/g, "றௌ");
text = text.replace(/Nwh/g, "றௌ");
text = text.replace(/nwh/g, "றொ");
text = text.replace(/wh/g, "றா");
text = text.replace(/wp/g, "றி");
text = text.replace(/wP/g, "றீ");
text = text.replace(/W}/g, "றூ");
text = text.replace(/W/g, "று");
text = text.replace(/nw/g, "றெ");
text = text.replace(/Nw/g, "றே");
text = text.replace(/iw/g, "றை");
text = text.replace(/w;/g, "ற்");
text = text.replace(/w/g, "ற");
text = text.replace(/n`s/g, "ஹௌ");
text = text.replace(/N`h/g, "ஹோ");
text = text.replace(/n`h/g, "ஹொ");
text = text.replace(/`h/g, "ஹா");
text = text.replace(/`p/g, "ஹி");
text = text.replace(/`P/g, "ஹீ");
text = text.replace(/`{/g, "ஹு");
text = text.replace(/`_/g, "ஹூ");
text = text.replace(/n`/g, "ஹெ");
text = text.replace(/N`/g, "ஹே");
text = text.replace(/i`/g, "ஹை");
text = text.replace(/`;/g, "ஹ்");
text = text.replace(/`/g, "ஹ");
text = text.replace(/\\s/g, "ஷௌ");
text = text.replace(/N\\h/g, "ஷோ");
text = text.replace(/n\\h/g, "ஷொ");
text = text.replace(/\\h/g, "ஷா");
text = text.replace(/\\p/g, "ஷி");
text = text.replace(/\\P/g, "ஷீ");
text = text.replace(/\{/g, "ஷு");
text = text.replace(/\\\_/g, "ஷூ");
text = text.replace(/n\\/g, "ஷெ");
text = text.replace(/N\\/g, "ஷே");
text = text.replace(/i\\/g, "ஷை");
text = text.replace(/\\;/g, "ஷ்");
text = text.replace(/\\/g, "ஷ");
text = text.replace(/n]s/g, "ஸௌ");
text = text.replace(/N]h/g, "ஸோ");
text = text.replace(/n]h/g, "ஸொ");
text = text.replace(/]h/g, "ஸா");
text = text.replace(/]p/g, "ஸி");
text = text.replace(/]P/g, "ஸீ");
text = text.replace(/]{/g, "ஸு");
text = text.replace(/]_/g, "ஸூ");
text = text.replace(/n]/g, "ஸெ");
text = text.replace(/N]/g, "ஸே");
text = text.replace(/i]/g, "ஸை");
text = text.replace(/];/g, "ஸ்");
text = text.replace(/]/g, "ஸ");
text = text.replace(/m/g, "அ");
text = text.replace(/M/g, "ஆ");
text = text.replace(/,/g, "இ");
text = text.replace(/</g, "ஈ");
text = text.replace(/c/g, "உ");
text = text.replace(/C/g, "ஊ");
text = text.replace(/v/g, "எ");
text = text.replace(/V/g, "ஏ");
text = text.replace(/I/g, "ஐ");
text = text.replace(/x/g, "ஒ");
text = text.replace(/X/g, "ஓ");
text = text.replace(/xs/g, "ஔ");
text = text.replace(/\//g, "ஃ");

 function copyit(theField) {
  var tempval=eval("document."+theField)

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    <span class="TableText">
      Bamini (<font face="Bamini">ghkpdp</font>)
    <br />
    <textarea onKeyUp="startText();" style="font-size: 14pt; width: 600px; font-family:Bamini" onClick="startText();" name="box1" rows="7" onSelect="startText();"></textarea>
    <input style="left: 500px; width: 100px; position: relative" type="reset" value="Reset"/>
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    <span class="TableText">
     Unicode (<font face="Arial">யுனிகோட்</font>)
    <br />
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     name="box2" rows="7"></textarea>
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   <hr />
     <span class="p">
    © 2011 Language Technology Research Laboratory - University of Colombo
    School of Computing
     <br />
     <span class="p" style="color: red">
    Best viewed with Internet Explorer 5.x or higher
    in 1024 x 768 resolution.


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